Thursday, November 24, 2011

Step 5: "The Blog Before The Blog"

So we are home, enjoyed a great meal for Thanksgiving and now continue on the battle of jet lag. Both Liam and Cole did amazing on the trip and are doing amazing at home but we all find ourselves up at 3am wondering what to do. I know time will fix it, until then, it is a fun memory. Mark and Cole shared a 3am grocery run the first night because they were both wide awake. Cole enjoyed it and found it to be his special treat.

So I wanted to get a post on the blog because I know that many of you have waited patiently. So this is kind of like the blog before the blogs. I am putting together two blogs, one from our trip to Vietnam, the other from our time spent in Cambodia. As I would love to post all the pictures I have, and talk about everything we did, I have to be cautious. Many of the places that we went  have people there that are at high risk of trafficking, either they have been rescued, or being at high risk of being sold. There are amazing people out there, doing amazing things, and they need to be protected. So, many times the stories I tell will be vague, but that shouldn't take away from anything. This is the main reason I did not post much while I was over there. That and I had a 5 month old attached to me for about most of the day and then when it was bed time it was time for bed. :)

I hate to jump on the bandwagon with this next comment, but I am realizing how true it is. As Americans, living in the States, who have never been out of the country, it is so hard to understand the concept of freedom. Visiting a country that basically tells you when to eat, sleep, and drink, and where most people run to Cambodia because that is the closest thing to what they believe is freedom and a better life, I began to understand what I took for granted my whole life. Even the poorest of poor in the States seem wealthy to the slums of Vietnam/Cambodia. Children eating in trash piles, and sleeping in the city sewer, and PAYING $5 a month to be able to do that. Unthinkable. (I will write more on this and post pics in the Vietnam/Cambodia blog) This Thanksgiving I am thankful for EVERYTHING I have and for those that fought and those that gave their life for me to have it. I was always thankful, but my heart never really knew the way that others had to live without freedom. My heart is with the children in Vietnam today and those in Cambodia that are unable to fight, that are forever in my heart.

To say all that, I am not taking away from America and what we have. As Christians, shoot as Humans, we need to be aware of those around us, and help. Doesn't matter where, just do it.



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