Wednesday, January 4, 2012


SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for the delay.

WOW!! I thought life would slow down enough to get a blog out, but I guessed I lied to myself. So here it is....


I guess I could end it there but most of you would prob not like that much, so I will go into a little detail. 

The flight was interesting. I spent most of the time imagining what it would be like when we took this trip with only a one way ticket. You would think that a 15 hour flight with 2 children would be miserable, and the thoughts that go through your head when you are wondering what lies ahead would make it a very long trip, but as we got on the airplane, both children closed their eyes and what felt like only a few hours, we were landing. I could not have asked for any more amazing children. 

After another 4 hour flight and a 4.5 hour drive we were able to step off the bus onto our property for the first time. Here is a video.

One of the ways that you know you can survive in another country is the food. IT WAS AMAZING!! Everything is fresh, and our home has the best fruit on it. Here is a table full of just some of what the land has to offer. All of it is so yummy, and great for you. There is a fruit there that some of the ladies were telling us about that they eat as soon as they get back from America because it flushes out all the bad things in our food. Oops...that wasnt a proud moment. :)

Most of our time in Vietnam was spent in Ho Chi Minh City.  We spent 2 days working in a rescue home.  Watch how these guys know how to praise. This went on for hours. There was much freedom and you couldn't help but enter the pit. (No I did not take the children in, I barely got out with my life, these guys are crazy amazing)

One of our trips we were able to take was about a 3 hour trek to get to these children, only to spend an hour with them. But well worth it. And the end of the time, we asked the head nurse what happens to these children, do they ever get homes?  She looked at us and chickled, and translated back to us, ..."Who would want a throw away vegetable?"  We walked away stunned. I am still in silence.

24 hours a day of bike horns and engines, and the constant sound of an unknown language. Here is a video of just an example of what the traffic looks like on a daily basis. It brought this Momma to tears when I had to cross the street for the first time. Notice the lines and signs are just a suggestion and a real life version of the game frogger.


The people here are amazing and LOVE my children would be an understatement. Here are some pics of some of the amazing people. (some of the cutest pics, I cant post for saftey, but these are cute to.) They love to hold babies and they fell in love with Coles red hair and blue eyes. Parents were throwing there kids in the pictures so that they could have one with Cole. Cole plays shy, but he loved it.

All in all, Vietnam was a warm feeling trip. I will get into the 'dirty, heavy duty" stuff on the next blog. I will be honest and let you know that it is hard to write these blogs. Pictures dont just tell a story...they also tell when and where a picture was taken. Many photos I have will never be seen on this site for the sake of those girls. It is a battle unlike I have ever seen before.

But to leave in a good is a picture of a quail egg. Unlike Marks last trip where he pained himeself all the way through swallowing it, I found it quite tasty.

Here are some photos I can share:

See you in Cambodia!!

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