Thursday, August 9, 2012

Step 8: The Ouchies and the BooBoos...

It is amazing how much life changes even before the big move. My son Cole was an easy going baby/toddler. Did not do much to raise Moms blood pressure. (hahahahahaha) It is funny that as I am writing this so many memories come to mind where it did. I take it back. I learned with Cole that if you call poison control about him finding a pill on the ground and not knowing what it is, but then later knowing, you have to call them back and tell them. I remember I was at work and Cole was able to be with me. He found a white pill and put it in his mouth. Not knowing how many were over there, I grabbed the one out of his mouth but the outer coating was sucked off that I didn't know what it was or how many he had taken. I called poison control and they wanted him rushed to the hospital immediately. Apparently, someone saw numbers on the back of the pill and knew that it was not Tylenol but Asprin and the poison control lady had said that if it was Asprin, he would be fine. So I didn't take him in. About 30 min later, poison control called back, not very happy with me (made known by the tone in her voice as well as the volume). Apparently they inform the hospital staff of your arrival and they are ready for you as soon as you get there. Oops....lesson learned.

Wow, I could write so much more.... :)

But the reason for this blog, is that now, when one of my kids get hurt, my first reaction is what would I do if we were in Vietnam. Liam cut his finger on a piece of glass and my first reaction was to take him to the doctor. But instead, holding it tight for 30 min (wonderful advice from a great friend) the cut sealed and all that was needed was a band-aid and a tape to hold it on.

Last night, Liam took a face smack to the tile floor. Thankful his blanket took most of the impact I grabbed him and tried to calm him down before I took a look. As I turned him towards me, that is where I saw blood pooling in his mouth. It is funny how my first reaction is automatically take him to the hospital.  But as we cleared the blood and found the cut (amazed how much the mouth bleeds, but also how quick it heals) and was able to avoid the ER. As a side note to emotional bank was drained last night. Your kids get hurt, it happens. I understand that. But when he is only 13 months old, you can't help but feel responsible, and your heart breaks that I couldn't protect him. Just some mom feelings.

So as the adventure continues, so does the learning. One of the first signs that we are leaving soon came when I was buying laundry detergent. I grabbed for the big bottle to only put it back because we wont be here long enough to use it. Wow....its really happening.